05 December, 2009

Why, Hello Thar.

I know I haven't been around much for the past couple of weeks. I've had, back to back, two ailments which are perhaps two of the worst conditions a food blogger can get: An abscessed tooth followed immediately by a case of gastroenteritis.

I'll spare you the disgusting details other than to say I wasn't able to really chew on anything Thanksgiving Week (though I graciously made a full traditional Thanksgiving dinner for my family, featuring a delcious smoked turkey) and then a couple of days later - after the swelling had subsided - I found I preferred not to actually eat anything.

Things are slowly getting back to normal now. The dentist says I'll probably need a root canal on that molar, and the doctor tells me that sticking to jello and soup will get my guts back in order in another day or so. I've got some posts lined up and ready, starting with tomorrow's Vintage Sunday. So, see ya soon.

PS. I stumbled upon a pretty decent treatment for dental pain when the dentist is closed for a four-day holiday weekend. It's called the "OL Program." TylenOL, AmbesOL, and alcohOL. Apply the first two as directed, and the last one as needed. Works like a charm.


zoe p. said...

Ha! You're holiday sounds like mine. Except I didn't make dinner. Hope you're on the mend . . .

Eating The Road said...

Sorry to hear about your ailments and your lack of eating during the Holidays but it sounds like you're getting better and that you had fun cooking for your fam anyways. Nice to have you back!

Mr. Dave said...

I swear we are synced. I just did a "sorry for no posts in a while post." Also, I had a root canal recently, 3 hours in the chair. Apparently, my teeth have extra nerves in each root or something. Feel better.

J. Astro said...

Yikes on all that. Good luck getting well soon, man. I myself have long suffered various tooth issues and often put off going to the dentist, finding that a steady diet of ibuprofen helps me to delay the inevitable. I'm sure my poor stomach will someday wreak a terrible vengeance on me, however.

Unknown said...

We were wondering where you were! Actually though that you had the opportunity to take a nice vacation or a fancy schmancy cruise or something....being sick is hard enough esp. over one of the major food days! Take care!


Dave said...

Thanks for the well wishes, folks. It's good to be back, and I have a lot of catching up to do!

Andrew said...

Welcome back! Dental problems are certainly something that I understand. They always pop up right around the holidays.