19 January, 2012

Gevalia Coffee

For years, Gevalia Coffee has only been sold in the US via mail order. Old farts like me will probably remember their magazine ads back in the pre-internet days, but Gevalia also used direct mail and television ads before shifting gears to sell online.

And now, Gevalia (which has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kraft since the early 70's) can be found in your local supermarket.

This is new turf for Gevalia, and they're working hard to get the word out. Earlier this week, Kraft sent us a sample of Gevalia for review - a 12-ounce bag of Traditional Roast. We couldn't wait to try it out, because Maryanne and I are both big coffee drinkers, and we enjoy it every step of the way - from the sound and smell of opening a new package, to the fragrant anticipation of the percolator bubbling in the kitchen, to the rich coffee flavor and aroma of a freshly-poured steaming mug of ambrosial joe. And although we've had a wide variety of different brews from ordinary to exotic, neither of us had ever tried Gevalia before.

We were not disappointed.

The very first whiff when we opened the bag hinted at the caffeinated joys to follow. The aroma was smooth and nutty, with hints of earthiness and chocolate.  We loaded our favorite coffee maker - a vintage 12-cup Universal percolator dating from the mid-1950's - and fired it up. Delicious javaliness tickled our noses as the percolator sang it's brewsong, and when the percolator's red pilot light came on (indicating the coffee was ready!) we poured it forth.

Ahhh.  Awesome.

Gevalia totally delivers on it's promise of smooth, rich, perfect coffee.  The flavor was completely coffee, without any harsh acidity or unpleasant, excessive bitterness. Maryanne and I were impressed, and we're actually looking forward to picking up another bag at the grocery store.


Mike C said...


Just started reading your quiet rants and noble thoughts on a wide ranging list of ...uh... foodstuffs?
Mexican Coke? Swedish Fish!? New Shit at Target?
Great fun!

I tried this coffee the other day and found it to be better than average. They have a decent medium roast. In my college days (last century), a guy I new got it mail order with their creamers. Back then,
Gevalia was a revelation.

For my money, the best super market medium roast is Dunkin Donuts coffee. Great, nutty, full bodied flavor. Delicious.

I've tried many other premium coffees, but they are oven bitter and taste like what I imagine a forest fire would taste like: ashy and burnt and life threatening to boot.

Very good coffee ,that Gevalia, but about 12 years late to the supermarket prom.

Mike in Poolesville, MD

Jessi P. said...

I love this coffee, it reminds me why exactly I hate Starbucks coffee-- that stuff always tastes harsh, burnt, and astringent, like they roasted it for too long. Like Mike, I am a big fan of the Dunkin Donuts coffee, as it is well-rounded and flavorful without being abrasive.

By the by, as a long-time lurker (and occasional commenter), I just started a blog of my own, which consists of my exciting (ha. ha.) life as a forced hausfrau. I've only got a few posts up, but eventually it will range from TV show reviews, household/food product reviews, and my random mumblings that I think on any subject that crosses my mind while I do boring stuff like scrubbing toilets. I'd love to get feedback if you ever have the time to take a look!

k9smom said...

What stores are selling this coffee?

Dave said...

In New England, where I live, it's being carried by Stop & Shop. You may have to call around to supermarkets near you if you haven't got a Stop & Shop in your area.

Mike in Poolesville said...

In Maryland, I got mine at Harris Teeter.