This is no cheap-ass bag. It's made with a heavy-duty polyester canvas exterior and a leak-resistant interior, fully insulated, and has a velcro-sealing roll top with a carry handle. And it's made by Land's End - you can find the identical item on their website in a variety of non-red colors for $10.50.
These totes, however, are cooler than the plain Land's End version because they have a Hillshire Farm logo stitched onto the front, on the bottom corner.
Hillshire Farms cold cuts are pretty good. Their Deli Select Ultra Thin Cracked Black Pepper Turkey Breast is particularly fine - a favorite of Lynnafred.
If your store doesn't have a Hillshire Farm lunch tote display, you can visit Hillshire Farm's website and print a mail-in offer form (check the link below.) Send in a cash register receipt and three proofs of purchase, and they'll send you your bitchen red Hillshire Farm luch tote.
When I say "Hillshire," you say "Farm!"
Go Meat!
Hillshire Farm's website (warning: animated graphics and obnoxious sounds & noises.)
Hillshire Farm's red lunch tote promotional page (this link will probably expire by the end of October 2009)
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