03 January, 2011

Hooray for Cup-a-Soup!

Soup is soothing comfort food, especially if you're not feeling well.  When someone has a miserable cold or a touch of the flu, perhaps the best thing you can do for them is to bring them a delicious pot of homemade soup to help them feel better.  Sometimes, soup is the only thing that's appetizing.

But what to do when you're the one who's sick?  I've been waylaid by some kind of nasty virus since New Year's weekend, and when I feel crappy like this I don't feel like doing anything, let alone build a soup.  When that happens, I turn to...LIPTON CUP-A-SOUP!

Yes, Cup-a-Soup, that pouch-enclosed, misunderstood, maligned ambrosial broth.  It's just the thing to stop the fever-induced shivers and acknowledge my body's need for food even while I really don't feel like eating anything.  I acknowledge that Cup-a-Soup isn't going to appeal to everyone, but it's one of those cheap, quasi-food things that I've enjoyed since I was a kid and I'm not going to stop liking it now just because it isn't hip enough.

Seriously, though:  right now, at this moment, I haven't been able to even think about solid food for three days.  But I'm sipping a steamy hot cup of Tomato Cup-a-Soup and everything's good.  It has a flavor profile remarkably similar to Campbell's Tomato Soup, another childhood fave, and I'm sure that has something to do with it's awesomeness.

Cup-a-Soup is made in Canada these days.  Thank you for sending us your Cup-a-Soup, Canada.  It kinda makes up for also sending us Celine Dion.


Magar said...

Haha I've never tried cup-a-soup but I might have to now

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this stuff! I find it at the Grocery Outlet sometimes for $0.25 a box sometimes and stock up like crazy! I haven't had any in a while now though...hmmm...mmmmm....

Andrew said...

Ah, I miss Cup a Coup....
Funny to think that I eat Ramen literally every day for lunch, and never pick up this stuff anymore.

Lynn said...

loves cup-o-soup
Ieven add a pack to my ramen when I have both!
I was wondering why Walmart doesnt carry it any more!

Anonymous said...

I like to make a big batch of soup when I am feeling well (with ginger and lots of garlic to help me feel better) then freeze individual portions. When I get sick, it is there for me, and is much more comforting and nutritious than something from a packet... sorry to rain on your soup parade though.

Dave said...

@Anonymous - Making a big batch of soup to freeze in portions for later is a great idea.