
29 December, 2009

Scan-It Puts HFCS In Your Face

Back in April, I wrote an article about using hand-held grocery scanners at the local Stop & Shop. The scanners seem to be getting more popular - using them often gets the shopper out of the store in less than half the time a traditional checkout takes - and through the busy holiday season, when the supermarkets are crammed with shoppers, I noticed a lot of customers taking advantage of the scanners' convenience and speed.

And I noticed something else about them the other day, when I scanned a 12-pack of Coca-Cola and put it in the carriage: The scan inventory gives a bit more information than product, package size, and price:

That's a bit easier to read than the tiny print on the side of the box.


  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I read your blog fairly religiously, and have never felt the need to post before today. A 12 pack of coke cost you 6.09?! That is wild to me, I live in Fairfield, OH and have never paid more than 3 bucks for a 12 pack of coke, in fact, most times the sale is 4/$10! Holy Crap.

  2. That price includes a 5-cent deposit per can (.80) so the actual price was $5.29. And yeah, that's the going rate for 12-packs here when they're not on sale.

    Most of the time, I buy Coke and Pepsi products on sale, when they're 4 for $11 (still higher than your prices, though.) But we were on our way to a party, needed some Cokes, and were paying the going rate that day.

  3. The midwest can be so charming.


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