
13 August, 2008

Healthy Snacks

I was browsing the selection in the vending machine at work when this tag on one of the snacks caught my eye:

Pretty impressive. This stuff isn't just any old source of a couple vitamins or minerals, but a good source. Of seven - count 'em - seven vitamins and minerals. Check it out:

Healthy stuff indeed, with all those B-vitamins and whatnot. Pity they couldn't have snuck some Vitamin C and calcium in there to round things out, eh?

So, what is this miracle food you ask?

Kellog's Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts.



  1. And if you eat four of them you don't need any more fats or carbs and with six no more sodium either.

  2. I guess they'd be a perfect food if they were washed down with a big glass of skim milk (for the calcium.)

  3. Pop Tarts: the new wonder food. Yikes.

  4. Yeah, you wonder if they're food ...


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